Award-Winning Writer,
Artist and
Reluctant Superhero


This is my "official" website where you can read all sorts of random stuff about me and I can pretend to be grown-up for a change.

Lose the Plot with the Massive Mash-Up Machine

I've posted a fantastic new gadget on my writers' blog, which readers may get a kick out of too. The Massive Mash-Up Machine smashes together existing books and movies to make something totally new. Go try it out!

Here's an example of what happened when Die Hard met Rainbow Magic:

(Please Note: While the Massive Mash-Up Machine does contain the plots of several adult books and films, it doesn't feature any swearing or inappropriate content. Well, unless you find the idea of Winnie-the-Pooh fighting aliens or joining the Mafia to be inappropriate. Which, now I think about it, you might...)


different paths

college campus lawn

wires in front of sky

aerial perspective


clouds over the highway

The Poultney Inn

apartment for rent